Thursday, September 04, 2014

C++ tips and tricks

char str[] = "hello world";
str[1] = 'abcd'; //str[1] stores d
auto i = 'abcd'; // 2^24*97 + 2^16*98 + 2^8*99 + 100

Monday, May 15, 2006


This is one of my (numerous other) temporary site, which I would start in a whim to keep track of my pursuits, interests, hobbies & to dos. But this blog updation became one of my to dos for a long time. Until I saw one of my friend has added a link to this page on his website and this was getting a lots of hits. So not wanting to disappoint those who were linked to this page.

My recent updates which will be completed soon (I hope)

Some of my earlier attempts to maintain a webpage.